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SQL Courses

Coursera Courses

SQL Basics for Data Science

This is a 4-part specialization ending with a capstone project. It'll walk through all the basics as well as intermediate concepts. Fantastic place to start when looking to learn SQL.

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Google Certification:
Using SQL to Clean Data

This course is part of the Google Data Analyst Certification. It focuses heavily on the fundamentals of cleaning data using SQL. Great course to take if you know the basics of SQL already.

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Databases and SQL with Python

This course will teach you the basics and intermediate concepts of SQL. The really interesting thing about this course is it'll teach you how to use Python to connect to the SQL database you're using.


Google Certification:
Using SQL for Data Exploration

This course is part of the Google Data Analyst Certification. It focuses heavily on how and why to collect data and how it is stored. This does go over some technical aspects, but focuses more on concepts.


Udemy Courses

#1 Recommendation for Coursera

#1 Recommendation for Udemy

MSSQL Server (T-SQL)

Personally, I am a huge fan of T-SQL and this course was the one I used to learn the more advanced concepts. I have recommended it for years because I've taken it myself so many times.

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MySQL for Data Analytics and BI

If you want to learn MySQL and you're wanting a more simple course to take to get your feet wet, this one is for you. It's not too difficult and the lessons are very simple.


PostgreSQL Bootcamp

If you're specifically wanting to learn postgreSQL this is the best one I've taken. Very well made and has fantastic use cases throughout. It's taught by Jose Portilla which is my all time favorite teacher on Udemy.


MySQL Bootcamp

This MySQL course is a bit more advanced and has a lot of very good projects that will help you use the different aspects of SQL. Great for beginners and advanced users alike.


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