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Building Your Data Analyst Resume

Your resume is the #1 thing that will get you a job interview. It needs to convey to the hiring manager that you have the skills and experience they are looking for. The most important thing when you're building your resume is to keep it Data Analyst specific. It should read as if you are a Data Analyst. Here are my tips and resources to help you create a great Data Analyst Resume.


Contact Section


This section should be at the very top of of your resume and provide details on how to contact you, find you on LinkedIn, and your Portfolio.


Here's what you should include:

  • Name

  • Phone Number

  • Email

  • LinkedIn Link

  • Portfolio Website Link



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Summary Section


This section is used to give hiring managers an overview of who you are and what you're looking for. In my opinion, this section is optional. I personally don't have one on my resume, but it doesn't hurt to have. If you don't have any experience I do recommend not having this section. You will want to highlight skills and projects first.


Here's what you should include:

  • Current Experience (Title, Years of Experience)

  • Most relevant technical skills

  • Certifications/Achievements

  • What you're looking for (optional)



Skills Section


This section is used to showcase your most relevant skills. I like to have this second on my resume so they see this first. If I have the skills they're looking for they will be more invested to read the rest of the resume.


Here's what you should include:

  • Relevant Technical Skills


For some skills I recommend using Parenthesis to add extra information


Example: SQL (MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL)

- Shows you know many types of SQL which the employer may use


Example: Python (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn)

- Shows you know specific popular libraries in your field


*You can include soft skills, but if you have enough hard skills I recommend leaving them off*






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Experience Section


This section is for past work experience. Now, if you don't have any data analytics experience you can try to take your current role and 


Here's what you should include:

  • Job Title​

  • Company Name

  • Year/Month started and ended at that company

  • 3-5 bulleted items of responsibilities and impact made in that position

        - Try to include quantifiable impact (i.e. Automated ingestion process of file saving 10 hours per week of manual work)







Portfolio Project Section


This section is used to showcase your projects. Projects are used to show an employer your actual skill level. They can look at your actual code or visualization and see your level of expertise. 


Here's what you should include:

  • Project Name 

  • Date of Project

  • Tools you used to create project

  • What the problem the project was designed to solve​



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Education Section


This section is to provide details on your education. If you have a degree that you think is relevant to Data Analytics you may want to put that higher in your resume. If it is not related, like mine, I would put it at the bottom. 


Here's what you should include:

  • School and Degree obtained

  • Date range of schooling

  • Coursework (Optional)


You can include GPA if you're right out of college, but for the most part I find it unnecessary. 





Resume Template #1


This is a template that I created. It is simple and a great place to start. Feel free to download and use.

Resume Template #2

This is a template I found that I think is another great one to look at. I may move the skills section to be under the summary section, but besides that I like the formatting and layout.

resume 3.png

Resume Writing Resources


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